Week 49: Kemer

This week at the Coworking Camp Turkey has been a bit grey and rainy, but very productive for work and good conversations. And some of the storms have been quite spectacular!

Welcome to our weekly recap! This one's for December 5th - 12th, which is week 49, 2014

Surprise of the week: 
I enjoy crocheting, it's my non-computer-related go-to activity while listening to podcasts or on long transport. The other one is doing puzzles. And yes, I do travel with both a small jigsaw puzzle and a ball of yarn & a crochet hook. Anyway, my problem is what to do with the end products of my crocheting, so now when we agreed on doing the Secret Santa, I knew what my present would be. For Santa's visit, everyone had come up with a nice present and we had good time stealing them from each other. As a part of a game of course.

Secret  Santa

Food love:
 For this week, it's more about what things I still like. We've been eating at the buffet of our all-inclusive hotel for over five weeks now, and I'm getting fed up with most of the selection. I still devour the yogurt with honey, the fresh pomegranates, the white cheeses and the basic salad though. I'm so looking forward to Prague next week! And not to even talk about all the Christmas treats I'm going to be savoring in Finland soon...


Memorable moment:
 One night we had a big thunderstorm. It started around 11 in the evening and kept going until the morning. Whole sky was alight, brightening up our room despite the curtains and the roar of the thunder kept waking me up. At some point I started reading a book, since I couldn't sleep anyway. I also sat down on the carpet next to the window and just admired the nature's show. The storm caused the sea go crazy, and there were still impressive waves at the beach in the morning.

Crazy vawes

Random thought:
World is so small. One night, at the dinner, we ran into two friends from Finland. They were here for a week-long vacation, touring the coast with a group. What a coincidence!

mountains peaking from clouds

What I've learned: 
There's something comforting about the beach on colder, cloudy days. I like sitting there with a book (or podcast), deep in my thoughts with the waves providing the background music. Tropical beaches and hot climate are nice for a moment, mainly because I love swimming and snorkeling. But at the end, the 15-20C weather is the perfection for me. Where could we find that year round? Preferably not too rainy, and being on a seaside would be a big bonus.

winter beach

Tip of the week:
I've been doing research for our California road trip, and found out it can be quite cold there in wintertime. For some reason I had the picture of eternal sunshine in my mind, but apparently January/February might mean fog, rain and 10C on the coast. My plan was to buy some cheap camping gear and utilise the numerous pretty campgrounds, but I'm not so sure about this plan anymore. So what's my tip here? Do your research, don't just assume.

chair in rain

I redid my Finnish travel blog!  I did quite a lot of work twisting the theme, justifying it to myself as a way to learn and try out new things in WordPress. I still have some work to do, cleaning up older posts to fit the theme etc., but you can already check out the new look at kotonakaikkialla.fi. Any feedback? And I do know that most of you don't understand Finnish, but how does it look in general?

Storm is coming

And that's it for our week. How was yours?

This week's photos can also be found in our photo albums in Flickr.

Antti and Mirje

We are Mirje and Antti, a 30+ digital nomad couple, entrepreneurs with restless feet and passion for experiencing the world. more »